The article which follows explores the influence of generative AI tools on writing processes and the teaching of writing. I discuss the various functions of writing, emphasising how important it is to implement AI tools in a meaningful and deliberate way in defined phases of the writing process. It transpires that an AI application can assume the twin role of assistant and writing partner, as long as its use is monitored and evaluated from the perspective of the teaching of writing.
The article concludes by offering five learning objectives designed to help writers make effective and responsible use of AI tools: (1) being aware of the opportunities and limitations of AI tools, (2) using AI to structure and consolidate writing processes, (3) reworking texts, (4) designing writing prompts and (5) metacognition and ethics.
These objectives highlight how important it is for us to both critically engage with technology and to examine the value of human-produced writing in the context of the implementation of AI.
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