* This is the German translation of the article «Les modèles didactiques de genres textuels, une forme complémentaire de matériel pédagogique?» by Verónica Sánchez Abchi, Virginie Conti et Jean-François de Pietro
In the context of the development of a new series of coursebooks for French (the ‘MER-Français’) in western Switzerland, schemes of work known as ‘parcours’ were planned to train the comprehension and production of a variety of text genres. It was in this context that the IRDP was asked to develop pedagogical models for the chosen genres, so as to support the educational work by the team writing the new ‘MER-Français’.
In this article we present the concept behind the pedagogical model we adopt and the principles which guide our modelling work. Further, we outline how our pedagogical models work on two levels. On the one hand, they contribute to the development process behind the suggested methodology of the MER. At the same time, once they have been published and linked with the corresponding ‘parcours’, they help to make the publication team’s representation of the object easier to understand. In this connection we suggest that the pedagogical models themselves become educational material which shapes teachers’ practice, and which can also be implemented in teacher education.
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