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Multilingualism and diversity of languages

Teaching materials for multilingual picture books

from No. 2024 | 3 zum Thema «Unterrichtsmaterialien zur Literalitätsförderung»

Andrea Quesel-Bedrich

Multilingual picture books can provide access to concepts of multilingualism and language variety in the classroom and can help us both see multilingualism as a resource and integrate speakers’ first languages in lessons (Nauwerck, 2013). This can impact positively on linguistic confidence and the development of writing skills in students with a different first language (see, for example, Wiese, Tracy & Sennema 2020 & Riehl 2006). At the same time, it can have a positive effect on the linguistic reflection of all students, as they delve into languages, comparing these and gaining insights into the range of languages spoken in their class (see, for example, Oomen-Welke, 2020). The paper which follows shares a selection of teaching ideas and materials which were designed by students in German teaching seminars and which explore the use of multilingual picture books. The materials were created to open up new opportunities for teachers working with picture books. Using multilingual picture books means taking an approach to multilingual pedagogy which integrates this multilingualism in all areas of the learning of (written) language (Wildemann, 2011). It is not enough, however, to use picture books simply as a medium, but instead these must be prepared with the multiliteracies approach in the classroom in mind.

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