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Working with models in coursebooks

Between added methodological value and content-level reservations

from No. 2024 | 3 zum Thema «Unterrichtsmaterialien zur Literalitätsförderung»

Rico Cathomas, Andrin Büchler

We can assume that coursebooks play a significant role in shaping the object of learning, the respective school subject. However, they also serve to shape and direct classroom work and ideally offer instructors and students a solid basis for teaching and learning. The way they are implemented depends on (functional) assumptions or notions of effective coursebooks, which are often simplified, structured and visualised as (subject-specific) pedagogical models. 2016-2024 saw the (further) development and implementation of subject methodology models known as the ‘quality matrices’ [«Qualitätsquadranten»] and ‘language garden’ [«Sprachgarten»] in connection with the introduction of ‘Mediomatix’, the new coursebook series for Romansh. This paper introduces the models, offering first insights into how a part of the ‘language garden’ – the ‘parts of speech tree’ [«Baum der Wortarten»] – was implemented in Romansh coursebooks. We go on to critically discuss the ‘language garden’ and ‘parts of speech tree’ from the subject perspective and to evaluate their value for other languages from the perspective of language teaching methodology.

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