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Teaching our digitised cultural heritage: Sustainable development and the digital shift using the example of a project on La Fontaine’s fables

from No. 2023 | 2 zum Thema «Literalität und nachhaltige Entwicklung»

Barbara Hurni-Siegrist

Our project ‘La Fontaine in the digital school’ enables new approaches to digitised versions of old and rare texts in the classroom. The project has raised questions more or less directly concerned with ecology and education for sustainable development: Intense efforts to digitize our cultural heritage are driven by private or public campaigns which differ in their intentions and connections with ecology. With easy classroom access to digital texts, it becomes possible to reconfigure literature lessons. In one possible approach to working with digital texts in lessons the material dimensions of texts become particularly important. Focusing on these material aspects goes hand in hand with paying increased attention to the material and especially the ecological dimensions of the digital world. This results in turn with an interplay between literature lessons and digital texts and thoughts around education for sustainable development.

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