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Reading the world through outdoor learning.

How working with exploratory questions can help learners develop their potential

from No. 2023 | 2 zum Thema «Literalität und nachhaltige Entwicklung»

Gabriela Gehr, Rolf Jucker

This article introduces ideas on how outdoor learning, especially in natural surroundings, is beginning to impact upon contemporary efforts to create the school of the future. International research clearly shows how outdoor learning can gradually lay down diverse foundations which promote successful learning. In terms of linguistic and reading competence, it appears that learning designed to develop potential needs to view and describe the world in as nuanced a way as possible so that learners can form their own mental models. Highly developed linguistic competence is a prerequisite for this to happen.
The second part of the article goes into more detail on this, before outlining how pupils in the 4th to 6th classes learn about the phenomenon of running water both outside in nature and in the classroom. It also examines how competencies in the curriculum area of Natur, Mensch, Gesellschaft or ‘NMG’ (~Nature, People & Society) are connected with language. This practically-oriented paper demonstrates how pupils can exercise and enhance their skills in the important area of questioning so they can embark upon a project of their own and develop their potential.

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