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Nº. 2024 | 2

Identity and literacy

Identity is a complex concept with multi-faceted disciplinary references, and one which is universally seen as an ongoing dynamic process of self-construction. It is a process whereby individuals turn to a range of labels denoting identity, express their own sense of self and experience individual and social resonance – whether in connection with themselves, other individuals, or the broader public. This self-construction is in turn constantly shaped by social and cultural norms.
In our world of writing and media, literacy plays a definitive role in shaping identity. Reading and writing lead people to engage with the knowledge, values, and aesthetics of their respective environments. These activities see them communicating with others, discovering similarities and differences as they do. They identify with social groups or reject these. Literacy practices mean individuals locate and develop their world views and their understanding of self.
Social groups, too, present their public face by means of the written word and other forms of media expression. Communicating in this way means individuals can draw on options for identification and develop their group identities in discourse. The resulting boundaries foster both belonging and exclusion. Our world is influenced by a range of assorted categories of difference, meaning we should ask ourselves what an identity formation which transcends mechanisms of inequality might look like. More

The association Leseforum Schweiz would like to thank the Federal Office of Culture FOC for its support.

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